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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: MI-BN-3
Station Name: Buchanan 1.4 ESE
Report Date: 2/23/2025
Submitted: 2/23/2025 9:54 AM
Scale Bar: Moderately Dry
For the week ending 2/23/2025, conditions were MODERATELY DRY. The 7-day cumulative precipitation total of 0.38 inches was 51% below the expected 13-year (2009-2022) average of 0.78 inches and in the “near normal” range; the 30-day total of 2.06 inches was 40% below the expected 13-year average of 3.42 inches and in the “moderately dry” range; and the 90-day total of 6.07 inches was 41% below the expected 13-year average of 10.25 inches and in the “severely dry” range. There were five days of measurable precipitation, with a maximum of 0.25 inches on the 20h. There were five days of new snow (total of 11.9 inches), with a max 9.0 inches on the 20th. Snowpack peaked at 12.0 inches on the 20th. Precipitation Trends—February-to-Date: 1.70 inches (down 0.22 inches, 88% of PRISM Normal). Temps ranged from 36 F (on the 22nd) to 8 F (on the 17th), with average Hi/Lo temps of 27/15 F (-4/-2 in relation to the previous week). Crescent Lake has remained frozen for the last month or more.
Categories: General Awareness