Welcome to the Wyoming CoCoRaHS Network
Wyoming was the second state to join the Community Collaborative Rain, Hail, and Snow Network and is a major player in the development of the project. CoCoRaHS in Wyoming is supported, in part, by the State Climate Office/ Wyoming Water Resources Data System at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. Project sponsors include the National Weather Service and the USDA Farm Service Agency.
Maps of past and current statewide monthly precipitation totals and percent of average can be found at: http://www.wrds.uwyo.edu/sco/CoCoRaHS/CoCoRaHS.html
Join the Project. More volunteers are needed from all areas of Wyoming. If you are interested, just click here "Join CoCoRaHS". It doesn't matter if your neighbor is collecting just a block away, we still need you!
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Wyoming State Coordinator
Tony Bergantino
University of Wyoming
