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Significant Weather Report
Station Number: IL-KK-39
Station Name: Herscher 3.3 E
Observation Date: 1/19/2019 12:20 PM
Submitted 1/19/2019 12:39 PM
Notes: Not much confidence in the accuracy due to heavy drifting. Had 0.4 inch new snow on the snowboard, but not sure if it fell there or blew there. In the plowed open field most readings in the 3-6 inch range, isolated 7 inches. But also quite a few 0-3 inches. Probably more bare areas than 7 am, maybe 5% bare. Best guess at average 4.0 inches. Maximum drift now 46 inches, massive increase since 7 am. Not sure if any snow is falling or just blowing. Visibility 191820Z 4SM BLSN RMK VIS 3V5
Precip Duration Minutes: 320
Gauge Catch: NA
Total Gauge Catch: NA
Snowfall: 0.4 in.
Snowpack Depth: 4.0 in.