| New Jersey State Coordinators
David A. Robinson New Jersey State Climatologist Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography Rutgers University 54 Joyce Kilmer Avenue Piscataway, NJ 08854-8054 848-445-4741 david.robinson@rutgers.edu
Mathieu Gerbush Assistant State Climatologist/Climate Services Office of the NJ State Climatologist Rutgers University 54 Joyce Kilmer Avenue Piscataway, NJ 08854-8054 848-445-3076 njcocorahs@geography.rutgers.edu gerbush@rutgers.edu |
New Jersey County Coordinators
Fred Akers (NJ-AT-1) Great Egg Harbor Watershed Association P.O. Box 109 Newtonville, NJ 08346 856-697-6114 fred_akers@gehwa.org
Camden Cape May
Bill Aber Sr. (NJ-CM-2) P.O. Box 258 4 Shady Lane Green Creek, NJ 08219 609-889-8017 baber1@comcast.net
Lynn Maun (NJ-CD-1) 169 Silver Lake Road Upper Deerfield, NJ 08302 856-649-2792 lynnkmaun@comcast.net
Essex Gloucester
Joe Conklin, AJW-176 (NJ-GL-1) Federal Aviation Administration William J. Hughes Technical Center Atlantic City International Airport, NJ 08405 609-485-8273 joseph.conklin@faa.gov
Tony Mondaro (NJ-HD-1) NOAA National Weather Service Cooperative Observer - HSNN4 102 Davis Avenue Floor 1 Harrison, New Jersey 07029-1504 973-485-1576 hwcwx@ix.netcom.com Hunterdon
Dave Dabour (NJ-WR-1) 110 Birch Lane Bloomsbury, NJ 08804 908-995-7273 dabour@gmail.com
William Malloy (NJ-MC-32) Hamilton, NJ 609-394-0278 williammalloy@optonline.net Middlesex
Monmouth Don Clark (NJ-MN-48) Long Branch, NJ donclark11@yahoo.com Morris
Chuck Gullage (NJ-MS-40) Musconetcong Watershed Association 973-727-3572 cgrlcdr@verizon.net
Michael P. Gerrity (NJ-OC-38) Environmental Steward Brick, NJ mpgerrity@comcast.net
Brian Lubbert, CCM (NJ-PS-14) Weathernowcast Hawthorne, NJ 07506 973-427-8445 lubbert@weathernowcast.com
Salem Ellie Divito (NJ-SL-13) Pennsville, NJ 856-935-9339
Somerset David Robinson (NJ-SM-26) Distinguished Professor, Department of Geography New Jersey State Climatologist Rutgers University 54 Joyce Kilmer Avenue Piscataway, NJ 08854-8054 848-445-4741 david.robinson@rutgers.edu Sussex
Brian Lubbert, CCM (NJ-PS-14) Weathernowcast Hawthorne, NJ 07506 973-427-8445 lubbert@weathernowcast.com
Glen Kistler (NJ-WR-37) Blairstown Twp, NJ daddyg51k@gmail.com