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CoCoRaHS's "Rain Gauge Rally" in the final days of March! Please recruit a new observer in your community!
The "CoCoRaHS Rain Gauge Rally 2025" (a new name as last year's try landed with a thud), is our friendly annual recruiting competition between all of our CoCoRaHS U.S. states to see how many new volunteer observers we can recruit during the month of March. We have a simple challenge to everyone out there during the month:: "Would you please take a moment to recommend the program to at least one friend or relative and encourage them to sign up to be a volunteer observer?" That's it just one (OK, two or three if you are really ambitious). If just half of our 27.100 current volunteers gave this a shot, we could really see the density of our coverage improve. To help you with recruiting a downloadable CoCoRaHS brochure is available by clicking here: CoCoRaHS Brochure. Please share our very short CoCoRaHS Rain Gauge Rally 25 trailer video as well. Like last year the scoreboard will update in real time, posting an ongoing tally of results by state/country/commonwealthon our "RAIN GAUGE RALLY 2025 PAGE". The final results posted on April 1st. The winning state/country/commonwealthwill get to hold onto and display one of the two "CoCoRaHS Cup" trophies until next March. The contest ends at midnight EDT on March 31st. Like last year, states will be competing for two national trophies. The first will be awarded in the "Traditional Count" category. This is pretty straight forward. The state/country/commonwealth with the most new volunteers recruited in March 2025 wins. The second category will be "Population Weighted" . . . the state/country/commonwealth that recruits the greatest number of new observers per one million of its total population wins. This second category is a little trickier. For each new volunteer who signs-up, the state/country/commonwealth will be given a percentage of "one point" based on the state/country/commonwealth's total population (potential volunteer pool). This will give those with sparser populations an equal chance.States/countries/commonwealths with smaller populations will receive a larger point value for a new volunteer compared to those with larger populations (For each new volunteer Wyoming will receive 1.72 points based on their population of 581,311 residents, whereas California who will receive a much lower number of points per each new volunteer, 0.03 with their population of 39,029,342 residents). These point values are based on "new stations per million residents" which is derived from the 2024 estimated population information ( Good luck to your state/country/commonwealth! Don't forget to tell someone about CoCoRaHS, especially this month!