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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: CA-YL-23
Station Name: Davis 1.6 NNW
Report Date: 7/23/2017
Submitted: 7/23/2017 6:45 AM
Scale Bar: Moderately Dry
Condition report July 10th to 23rd. No rain, which is usual. It's very dry. Six days of 14 have had high temp of > 100F (108F on July 17th). 

Many flowers have bloomed early; aster is now blooming in backyard. Trachelium caeruleum (perennial blue lace flower) finished blooming, although one looks like it may re-bloom, which would be fun as it's a great flower. Sea holly is about finished. This heat is tough; there are fewer re-blooms on salvias despite diligent deadheading. The Society Garlic, Marigold Day of the Dead, and red abutilon are continue to flower well. The purple bottle brush (Callistemon Violaceus) is re-blooming and it's full of bees.

Two of the three Robin's eggs hatched. Both fledged July 16th. I see Mom and one baby out foraging most days, but have not seen two babies at once. There continues to be many beautiful dragonflies - bright copper and blue damselflies! The last few days, there are more butterflies, but I've only seen a monarch a couple of times. I will talk to neighbors about planting at least one or two plants to try to entice more monarchs next year. Yesterday was exciting - a tiny caterpillar is feeding on the passion vine.

Several fires, none close, but some hazy days.
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife